Let’s End DV:
Heal, Restore, Prevent

Heal from harm.
Restore communities.
Prevent domestic violence.
Welcome to Let’s End Domestic Violence: Heal, Restore, Prevent, a four-part podcast series. Join host Bonnie Boswell as she speaks with today’s leading domestic violence prevention experts about how we can break the cycle in California.

Please note that this series includes descriptions of violence that may be difficult to hear.
Welcome to Let’s End Domestic Violence: Heal, Restore, Prevent, a four-part podcast series. Join host Bonnie Boswell as she speaks with today’s leading domestic violence prevention experts about how we can break the cycle in California.
Breaking the Cycle: Multigenerational Prevention

Being exposed to violence as a child greatly increases the risk of experiencing it — or even causing it — as an adult. Learn how a multigenerational approach helps break the cycle with guests Sonya Young Aadam and Vanessa Perez.

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Healing from Domestic Violence: Restorative Practices

Survivors are the best experts when it comes to their own needs. The criminal justice system is not always the answer. Hear from sujatha baliga and Dr. Teiahsha Bankhead about restorative approaches that prioritize the agency of survivors.

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Domestic Violence and Housing Insecurity

Domestic violence and housing instability are interconnected; we can’t solve one without addressing the other. How can programs and policies work together to solve both problems? Find out with Maricela Rios-Faust and California State Senator Susan Rubio.

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Elevating Solutions and Impacts in the Black Community

Black women and families have unique needs and experiences when it comes to domestic violence and the system changes we need to prevent and end it. Hear from experts in this special episode recorded live in Sacramento.

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Special Episode: Angela Davis on Hope and Healing from Domestic Violence

In this special bonus episode recorded during our live event at CalMatters in Sacramento, Angela Davis sits down with Marc Philpart, Executive Director of the California Black Freedom Fund to talk about the intersection of domestic violence and systemic violence and what gives them hope that we can break the cycle and find liberation.

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